

New Orleans 13. September 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:   © John Lee
New Orleans 13. September 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:   © John Lee
New Orleans 13. September 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:   © John Lee
Upbound on the St.Lawence River off Verchères on November 11, 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Marc Piché
Upbound on the St.Lawence River off Verchères on November 11, 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Marc Piché
Upbound on the St.Lawence River off Verchères on November 11, 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Marc Piché
Upbound on the St.Lawence River off Verchères on November 11, 2009
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Marc Piché
At Burnside in the River Mississippi on 27.06.2010
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Captain Ted
Passing Paull inward bound for King George dock, Hull UK 20.05.2011
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Patrick Hill  &  © Quaysides
Passing Paull inward bound for King George dock, Hull UK 20.05.2011
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © Patrick Hill  &  © Quaysides
Wir suchen Fotos / Photographs wanted
Bildherkunft / Photosource:  © SwissShips / © FotoMar

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